(EPF) UAN Portal Aadhaar update - Error while AADHAAR authentication.null
Lately Employee Provident Fund Organization(EPFO) has mandated the linking of Aadhaar number for every EPF member who is also utilizing Employee Pension Scheme (EPS).
As per EPF rules, typically a employer contributes 12% of basic towards EPF. Out of the above 12%, 8.33% goes in Employee Pension Scheme subject to a maximum of Rs 1250. Thus mostly every member of EPF is also a member of EPS. Thus every EPF member need to know link his/her Aadhaar number to his EPF UAN account.
To achieve this, EPF members have been trying to update the Aadhaar ID using the UAN Portal / Unified Portal, but without much success. They face primarily 2 challenges:
- UAN member portal is down and they are not able to even access the portal
- UAN member portal is up, but when they go to KYC page and update their Aadhaar ID, they get an error.
Below is the error described in detail.
EPF Aadhaar linkage: Error while AADHAAR authentication.null
An EPF member who is having a UAN (and have successfully done UAN Activation) can login to UAN portal and then link their Aadhaar ID by going to KYC page and by providing their Aadhaar ID and name.
But when someone tries to do that, he/she gets following error:
Error while AADHAAR authentication.null
It seems EPF technical team has not implemented the aadhaar authentication successfully. Ideally, EPF site is supposed to do authentication against Aadhaar site which will lead to OTP based verification. But this is not currently implemented properly and hence members are facing this problem.
As of April 3rd, 2017, there is no easy way out of this.
Alternative for EPF Aadhaar Linkage
At this moment, only way to link your Aadhaar to your EPF is through your employer. You can ask your employer to link your Aadhaar ID to your EPF UAN account and they in turn will update your account with EPF.