GST GSTR1 Summary for Filing is Not Generated

As we all know, GST now allows quarterly return of GSTR1 for now in case your turnover is less than or equal to 1.50 crores. But while trying to submit quarterly GSTR1 return, one faces lot of confusing details and error.

  1. First problem is that there is no clear way to find how to file your quarterly return for 3 months, as it only shows single month on the return page. The solution for this is to select last month of the quarter. Once selected, in the return form it shows Return Period - December, but you can ignore that and use it as a return for October to December

  2. Error while filing the return for October to December 2017 return

Error! Summary for Filing is not Generated or is not available at this time. Please try again later

even with Status - Submitted

I am getting this return even when the status is Submitted. There is no easy solution for this. One need to login to gst website again after some time and trying to file the return again. After trying some random number of times, it starts working again :)

finance gst