GST Full Form - जीएसटी का फुल फॉर्म
GST is the new indirect tax scheme in India and it is replacing the earlier service tax and vat tax schemes
prevalent before. GST is going to become active since July 1, 2017.
This article covers what is GST? What's its full form and meaning and relevance to ordinary citizen. (GST Ka Full Form Kya Hai?)
GST Full Form
GST full form is Good and Services Tax and its a landmark bill in the history of taxation in India.
Traditionally India had a fragmented taxation system with each state having their own tax rule, regulations and rates. This has been a constant pain for companies doing business in more than one state. For example, whenever the raw supplies or a finished product needed to be imported or exported out of state, it was a mess of different VAT (Value added Taxation) rules.
GST is becoming live on July 1st 2017. GST rates are from 0% to 28%.
5% - Edible oil, sugar, spices, tea, coffee (except instant), Coal (instead of current 11.69%), Mishti/Mithai (Indian Sweets), Life-saving drugs
12% - Computers, Processed food
18% - Hair oil, toothpaste and soaps
28% - (Goods) Bidis, chewing gum, molasses, chocolate not containing cocoa, waffles and wafers coated with choclate, pan masala, aerated water, paint, deodorants, shaving creams, after shave, hair shampoo, dye, sunscreen, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, water heater, dishwasher, weighing machine, washing machine, ATM, vending machines, vacuum cleaner, shavers, hair clippers, automobiles, motorcycles, aircraft for personal use
28% - (Services) 5-star hotels, race club betting, cinema etc.
जीएसटी का फुल फॉर्म
जीएसटी का फुल फॉर्म - वस्तु और सेवा कर | यह एक ऐतिहासिक बिल है |
GST की Rates - 0% से 28% तक
0% - रोजमर्रा के सामन जैसे दूध, आटा, बेसन, ब्रेड, प्रसाद, नमक, बिंदी, सिंदूर, बटर मिल्क, दही, शहद, फल एवं सब्जियां, फ्रेश मीट, फिश चिकन, अंडा, स्टांप. न्यायिक दस्तावेज, प्रिंटेड बुक्स, अखबार, चूड़िया और हैंडलूम