cKYC Forms for Central KYC India

cKYC (Central KYC) is new KYC (Know your customer) process mandated by Government of India and active since Feb 1, 2017. As part of cKYC, all customers opening a new bank account or new mutual fund transaction need to be CKYC complaint.

Below are the CKYC forms for individuals and non-individuals (legal entities). You need to submit these forms to the financial entity you are interacting with (e.g, bank or mutual fund broker or insurance company etc)

CKYC Form for Individuals

CKYC form for Non-Individuals and Legal Entities

CKYC Details

For detailed understanding of what is ckyc and why you need to fill ckyc form, please go to All about CKYC and CKYC ID article.

finance kyc